The Aeromotor Co., Chicago, Miniature Working Windmill

The Aeromotor Co., Chicago, Miniature Working Windmill

Located in San Angelo, TX, The Aeromotor Company has continuously manufactured U.S. made full size tower windmills since 1888. This is a precise scale model miniature of a working Aeromotor Windmill. It was cut from galvanized steel and assembled by hand using tiny nuts and screws. The blades are cut and angled to exact specifications and the company trademark is authentic. 

The fan and sail are balanced to pivot using a red painted, cast metal vane. A representation of the gear assembly is located at the top of the tower just below the "red triangular" part. 

Although this is a working model and is definitely "toy size" it's frequently misidentified as an old "salesmans sample". In reality it's about two or three years old and until only recently could easily be purchased directly from the company. For some reason they're no longer available.

Size: 17". 

Sold: Feb. 2008

Price Sold: $ 48


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